Authors: The Toolkit was authored by Emil Sirén Gualinga, member of the Kichwa people of Sarayaku, with contributions from Dr. Michelle Cook, J.D., Water Protector Legal Collective; Summer Blaze Aubrey, Esq., Divest Invest Protect; Moira Birss, Amazon Watch; Roshan Krishnan, Amazon Watch; Christen Dobson, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre; Shona Hawkes, Rainforest Action Network; and Eugene Kung, Staff Lawyer at West Coast Environmental Law.
Contributors: The following individuals provided peer review, feedback, and shared valuable insights:
- Oda Almås, Forest Peoples Programme
- Cathal Doyle, Forest Peoples Programme
- Tulia Machado-Helland, Storebrand Asset Management
- Vemund Olsen, Storebrand Asset Management
- Jimmy Yan, Office of the New York City Comptroller
- Mary Beth Gallagher, Domini Impact Investments LLC
- Isobel Edwards, NN IP (now GSAM)
- Sarah Draper, Global Canopy
- Lina Latincic, Global Canopy
- Pei Chi Wong, Global Canopy
- Josh Brewer, Global Canopy
- Ryan Brightwell, BankTrack
- Jeff Conant, Friends of the Earth United States
- Canadian asset manager (anonymous)
The authors also gratefully acknowledge the Indigenous communities, organizations, and advocates with which we have worked over the years.
Cover photo: © Elizabeth Virkina Swanson Andi, member of Santu Urku-Venecia Derecha Kichwa community, Ecuadorian Amazon.
Disclaimer: This publication is intended for learning purposes and does not constitute legal or investment advice. The inclusion of numerous examples, organizations, companies, case studies or resources, etc., does not imply an endorsement by part of the authors or organizations involved in developing the Toolkit. Moreover, the Toolkit does not constitute exhaustive guidance on Indigenous peoples’ rights, but rather aims to introduce investors to human rights due diligence with respect to Indigenous rights. We do not accept any liability if this report is used for an alternative purpose for which it is intended, nor to any third party in respect of this report. No entity or person can use this report as a base for any claim, demand, or cause of action and, if this Toolkit is used for something other than educational purposes, then the individual authors and their respective organizations are not responsible for any purported loss incurred based upon the intended use or misuse of this Toolkit.
Published in April 2023 with the support of Amazon Watch.